Tree Talk| 2 min read

You're Looking Real Pine: Thanks For Planting 30 Million Trees

Recently, we celebrated a tremendous milestone: together, we have planted 30 million trees.

Recently, we celebrated a tremendous milestone: together, we have planted 30 million trees. With your passion and impact, tentree has set roots from Madagascar to Indonesia, working with local communities to rebuild homes, rejuvenate environments, and reforest the planet.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. You remind us everyday that we’re all in this together. We couldn’t have done this without you.

When we plant trees, we’re not just planting one type of tree. Tentree and the organizations, like Eden Reforestation, takes multiple factors into consideration: the needs of the communities in which we work, what each ecosystem requires, and how the trees will impact local wildlife. What are some of the trees we plant?


In Madagascar, one of the most common trees we’ve planted are mangrove trees. These trees are planted in wet, coastal areas. Their roots prevent erosion, protecting communities from stormwater and flooding. The fruits and shoots of the trees are edible, and the roots of the mangrove trees provide vital habitat to fish. This helps villages in Madagascar feed themselves in a sustainable way while improving the environment. The mangroves we plant together benefit you as well. Mangrove trees are one of the best trees on the planet for absorbing carbon pollution that contributes to climate change.


Planting trees that benefit communities long-term is one of our priorities. In Indonesia, we’ve partnered with schools to plant pineapple plants. Working with students helps teach the next generation the importance of maintaining local forests. These plants also provide a healthy source of food for locals.

North America

In Canada, we partnered with the city of Sudbury, Ontario for a massive replanting effort. In total, we donated 104,000 saplings to their reforestation work. Among those trees are red pine trees. Red pines provide crucial habitat for wildlife, absorb carbon pollution, and are ideal trees for lumber.

Tree Talk

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