Sustainability| 2 min read

5 Things To Do During Earth Hour 2019

Earth Hour is based on a simple premise: Our planet’s gain is everyone’s gain.

Earth Hour is based on a simple premise: Our planet’s gain is everyone’s gain. The Earth provides us with everything we need to live, but human actions are threatening the planet we call home.

So on March 30th, from 8:30PM to 9:30PM local time, join us in shutting off your lights to send a message that life on Earth needs protection, for ourselves and for everything else that lives. Earth Hour doesn’t necessarily mean sitting quietly alone in the dark. Here are a few ideas to make your hour of darkness a fun one!

Head outside

Just because the lights are off at home doesn’t mean you should lounge around the house! Earth Hour is all about unplugging and reflecting on the importance of our environment. What better way to do that than to get outside? The sun sets around 7:30PM on March 30th, so perhaps a candle-lit walk or a night hike are in order!

Focus on the arts

Earth Hour is an awesome opportunity to light some candles, invite over some friends, and focus on the arts! Have a jam session, read some poetry aloud, or host a painting party! Take advantage of your unplugged time to reconnect with your passion for the arts.

Play a game

Earth Hour is better with friends and family. Invite some folks over to play a board game, put together a puzzle, or even play charades by candle light! Take a little time to reconnect with the people you love while you’re unplugged.

Read by candlelight

If you’re on your own for Earth Hour, maybe grab a book off the shelf and read by candle light. Reading by candlelight is an interesting experience. It serves as a reminder of what people did before there was electricity, before we could get distracted by our phones, and when life was probably a little simpler. How do you feel when you read by candlelight?

Reflect on your eco-actions

Earth Hour is a largely symbolic action that signals to the outside world that the time is now for action that will protect our planet. While shutting off your lights is symbolic, you can take real action in your day to day life that has a more tangible, long-lasting impact. Doing things like shopping with reusable bags, saying no to single-use plastics, and riding a bike instead of driving all have a positive impact. What eco-actions do you take to make the world a healthier, habitable place?


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