10 Nature Subreddits You Should Follow

Reddit.com calls itself the “front page of the internet,” and being the sixth most popular website in the United States, it’s probably not far off!

Reddit.com calls itself the “front page of the internet,” and being the sixth most popular website in the United States, it’s probably not far off! Reddit is sort of like a massive forum. It has different message boards, called “subreddits” that cover different topics. These range from more serious topics, like politics and world news, to more light-hearted subject matter, like cute baby animals and funny gifs.

One thing we love about Reddit is being able to follow subreddits that pique our interest in nature, environmentalism, and the world. These are 10 of our favorite nature subreddits.


Did you know that tentree is on Reddit? It’s true! Join us at r/tentree to discuss our products as well as environmental news, living sustainably, travel, adventure, and of course: tree planting! Head on over and subscribe to r/tentree!


As the name might suggest, r/nature is your one-stop subreddit for all things nature. Here you can discuss and post about a wide range of nature-oriented content. This includes nature news, questions about the environment, and more!


The subreddit r/gardening really brings nature home. According to their sidebar, “r/gardening is a place for the best guides, pictures, and discussions of all things related to plants and their care.” Whether you have a green thumb or a brown thumb, if you have a passion for gardening, r/gardening is the place for you.


The gardening and nature subreddits tend to be a little bit more relaxed, but r/environment strikes a stronger, political tone. This subreddit is more oriented toward politics, news, and current events than simply appreciating the environment. It’s a great place to go to hear news stories about nature from around the world.


Need a palette cleanser from r/environment? Head over to r/naturegifs! Here you’ll find gifs and videos that focus on nature. It can be so relaxing to scroll through. From epic shots of the wilderness to cute baby animal gifs, this subreddit has all the nature gifs you could ever need!


We talk a lot about going zero waste and plastic free on our blog. If you like that kind of content, we’d recommend subscribing to r/zerowaste. This subreddit claims to practice “5 Rs:” refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot. “We practice this by reducing consumption, choosing reusable goods, recycling, composting, and helping each other improve,” they write on their sidebar.


Ecology is defined as the scientific study of the relations that living organisms have with respect to each other and their natural environment. r/Ecology is the place to go if you want to discuss anything related to ecology! But be warned: environmental activist type submissions aren’t permitted. They would rather you take that to r/environment!


This subreddit encompasses all things science, but there is a lot of very interesting nature content included in r/science. Be sure to sort content by environment to see primarily nature-focused science.


“Sustainability is the ability of system to endure,” write the moderators of r/sustainability on their sidebar. “While most people associate the term with the environment, true longevity requires social and economical sustainability as well as ecological sustainability.” This subreddit is a great community for learning more about being sustainable, getting sustainability tips, and sharing what you know.


Why not end with a fun subreddit? This nature subreddit is all about one adorable thing: baby elephants. Of course, they’re not focused only on cooing over adorable baby elephant gifs, but they encourage their viewers to get invovled with elephant conservation. Check them out!

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