Tree Talk| 3 min read

Your Impact This Year

Hey Planters, it’s been a wild year.

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WRITTEN BY Rhya Johnston-Wallace

Hey Planters, it’s been a wild year. But despite all of 2020’s challenges, you’ve made a massive impact that will last for generations to come. Seeing this community come together during hard times has been humbling. Your love and commitment to not only our planet but to the people who call it home is why we do what we do. This year alone, we’ve planted 13 million trees together. So before we all wave a very eager goodbye to 2020, we wanted to share some of the impact you’ve made.

As you all know, we plant trees in some of the most impoverished places in the world. With the help of our NGO partners, we plant everywhere from coastal villages in Madagascar to the Amazon Rainforest. And during a global crisis, not-for-profits are typically among the first to lose funding. Less funding typically means less resources for the people these organizations support. But despite all the hardships this year, with your help, we’ve continued to lift people out of poverty while reforesting the world.


This year in Madagascar, as word got out that there would be more planting work, hundreds of people lined up every single day looking for a stable, well-paying job. Through the projects you’ve supported, these individuals are receiving fair wages, retirement plans, and medical benefits — something most have never had in their lives. In a country where over 80% of people live below the poverty line, you can only imagine the positive impact this kind of stability has on local communities.

Another amazing project you’ve helped fund is the Sarobidy Maternity Center in Madagascar. Out of all the women who die during pregnancy, 94% of deaths occur in poor, developing countries. What’s worse is nearly all of those deaths are preventable. The Sarobidy Maternity Center gives the women of Madagascar access to much-needed health care to change this — one mother at a time. Day after day, crowds of up to 400 people line up outside the maternity center seeking help. It just goes to show how significant (and needed) the impact you’re making is.


For so many around the world, unemployment means no shelter, no food, and no hope. Today more than ever, the work you’re helping us carry out is so important. We’re here to build something special together and to leave our planet in a better place than we found it. While 2020 might have been a bump in the road, we have no doubts about what we can achieve when we work together.


So thank you — so, so, so much for making the impact you have this year. Just know that with every little change you make, there’s a ripple effect. Every plastic straw you say no to, every old t-shirt you repurpose into a cleaning rag, and every ethically made pair of sweats you buy has a positive impact. Big change starts small after all.

Tree Talk

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